Upcycled Journals
I discovered this delicious gluten-free pasta made from garbanzo beans, and was taken by the beauty of the packaging. Following the instructions on Gwen Diehn's blog
Real Life Journals under the title
Butter Box Tutorial. I used a box of old computer paper with the spindle holes and perforations still on it -- something I had found long ago at a yard sale for 25 cents.
I gave the books to my dear friend Robin, who has been a life-long journal-keeper. Write on!
I added a Velcro clasp on one of the journals. You could also use a button and string method to close the journal. |
Small journals made from cereal box cardboard and 8 1/2" x 11" paper folded in half. I used a glue stick to glue decorative paper to the spines and the inside covers (to cover up the cereal box design). These would make great travel journals. |