Here's a collection of journal pages I haven't shared.
28 May 2019 -- Chubby napping on the porch. We've been inundated by the periodical cicadas this summer. 17-year cicadas sound louder today -- a steady droning presence in the woods.
29 May 2019, 6:30 pm -- Trader Joe's Parking Lot after work. "Pouring rain, crashing thunder, people running to & from their cars or walking with hunched shoulders under umbrellas. The 2nd day of heavy rain in a row. I forgot my umbrella, but I don't mind an enforced break to sketch inside my dry car. Traffic is heavy right now anyway."
9 pm At home, after the rain, fog forms in the valleys.
Portraits of fellow commuters on the bus.
31 May 2019 Back at home at the end of the day watching Chubby in the evening light.
4 June 2019 Breakfasting on a kale and pepper omelet.
10 June 2019
Drawing of a Barn Swallow from my friend Brad's photo.