Betsy's Bliss Art Blog
Monday, January 13, 2025
Mushroom Art
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Sketch of a Midden
Sometimes on a hike, I don't have time to sketch as I go. We were outrunning a windstorm when I spotted this log with remnants of a squirrel's dinner. So, I snapped a quick photo with my phone.
Back in the studio, I sketched the scene with my fountain pen, and added washes of watercolor.
Naturalists call this pile of nut shells a midden. I've always loved that name and the knowledge that some small creature was eating a meal right on top of this log. It makes me feel closer to my wild relations when I get insights into their everyday lives like this.
What in nature appeals to you? What do you love to find out on a hike? I hope you jot a note and make a sketch in your nature journal.
Happy Creating!
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Finding an Old Stone Ruin
On a recent hike, we found the remains of an old stone building. It's tiny by modern standards, and we guess it was used by early settlers as a warming shelter when they took breaks from cutting stone from the nearby hillside.
The beauty of this natural building material, and the mystery behind the ruin entranced me, and I enjoyed sketching this corner of the building using the reference photo above.
Don't you love when a sketch in a nature journal makes you curious to learn more? I ended up reading about the Civilian Conservation Corps in our local state park, an incredible story in this area's history.
Happy Creating!
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Bluebird Art
Happy Creating!
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Weekly Planner Page: B & W Collage
A weekly planner is a wonderful place to experiment with new ideas and designs. There's no pressure to make something impressive. You're just playing.
And creating with collage is a great way to play. I recommend collecting a pile of paper scraps and images that you like. They can have a theme, like these did, or just the theme that you like them. I selected black and white images on old paper.
Pick out a collage bit that interests you, and try it out in several places. If you get a tingle of "That's interesting..." glue it down! Don't wait for "That's perfect!" because perfect never happens (in my experience).
I started with some collage bits, then added a few more, and penned in the days and dates.
Sometimes, your collage choices will tell you something about your inner thoughts. I was drawn to the photo of the train in the mountains as I've been reminiscing about our trip to Alaska, especially about our journey on the White Pass Scenic Railroad.
A bit of collage can add adventure to your week! I hope you give it a try.
Happy Creating!
Thursday, January 2, 2025
Gray Day Hike & Sketch
Happy Creating!
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Blind Contour Self-Portrait: Wonky is Beautiful!
If you're looking for a quick way to make art, warm up, and awaken your eye-hand connection, try a blind contour self portrait!
Sit down with a small mirror, and allow yourself to fully focus on your own visage. Slow down. With pencil or pen on your paper, look at your face -- not at your paper! Now, let your hand follow your eyes as they slowly travel down any contour of your face -- jawline, hairline, eyes, etc. Gradually work your way around to all of your features without picking up your pen or pencil from the paper.
The trick here is to never look at your paper, and to keep your eyes on your face, allowing your hand to blindly follow your eyes as they slowly discover the lines and shapes of your face.
It takes trust and a willingness to let go of the outcome. You are not going to make a "pretty picture." You are going to discover beautiful lines, curves, shapes.
And you'll be surprised at how alive some of your lines are.
Now your eyes and hand are awake and ready to make more art. What will you create next?