I found fantastic inspiration in this book!

In Art Journal Art Journey, artist and journaler Nichole Rae shares her creative journaling process.
The book includes a chapter on creating what Nichole calls an Inspirational Card Deck. Using upcycled playing cards, Nichole collages typed & printed words, ephemera & stamped designs on the cards.

I was hooked on the idea of making my own deck!
Nichole's book in hand, I visited the Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse, and purchased a fistful of playing cards, some old lined note paper, art postcards, and a variety of decorative papers.

Back in my studio, I took a dive into my collage box, and found painted papers, greeting card bits,maps and vintage office papers. I collaged papers onto the playing cards, added affirmations and quotes I had typed up on my trusty Sears electric typewriter, decorated the cards with my own homemade stamps (made from corks & erasers) and washi tape.

Soon I had a deck of affirmation cards!
I created a box sized just to fit them out of mat board and tape, and glued on some gorgeous decorative paper my dear friends gave me.

Now I have a little box of inspiration and uplift for myself.
These cards make lovely gifts to tuck into letters and cards to inspire those you love.
All of these papers, as well as the black-striped chartpak tape came from the Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse, my favorite art supply store! |
The process was relaxing after a busy week, and I found the small card size made it easy to lay out a design quickly.
I hope you'll have a rummage for collage supplies, and create some of your own Inspirational Cards!