I often write a journal entry on a piece of lined paper as part of my art journaling page. Making pockets to tuck these folded pages feels like play! The above pocket design is created with book pages & watercolor paper decorated with Indanthrene Blue & Burnt Sienna watercolors and India ink.
I recently was inspired to try intuitive painting after watching this YouTube video by Jackie Schomburg. When I finished, I realized my painting represents how I feel about the autumn and the coming winter -- a last celebration of the summer sun, warmth & color.
Yin & yang.
Sometimes, I doodle in my art journal.
I picked up some watercolor crayons in an art supply swap I held in one of my Osher classes, and played with them on gesso-covered pages. I love the rich, bold colors and the way they blend with a wet brush!
An art journal is your space to explore whatever you desire -- from a new set of paints to the thoughts and feelings within you. I hope you get a chance to play with art supplies just for self care soon!