I just came back from a birthday celebration with my family, and our dear friend Brad. Brad and I share birthdays within a week of each other, and so we celebrated today with lunch out. Brad gave me the most delicious box of colors -- Prismacolor Art Stix. They are much like Conte Crayons -- squared sticks of pure color -- but in a rainbow of rich colors. I grabbed some fruit from the fruit bowl to test them out on, and was pleased with the way the flat sides laid down smooth shadows and the crisp edges created bold contour lines. They lay down rich tones easily.
Outside, it's 17 ℉, and intermittently throughout day, snow spit from the low clouds. The world looks monochromatic. These Art Stix were just what my eyes hungered for. Can't wait for the first spring daffodils and greened-up grass to test my new toys on!
My cat, Chubby, flopped by my side while I drew.

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