I found a fantastic book by Traci Bautista, Collage Unleashed, that's full of ideas for creating art journal collages in unusual ways, including making transparencies of your own artwork.
Above is a drawing I did of The Ink Queen, with ink on an old book page, and then photocopied onto transparency film.

Traci gives instructions and ideas for using your own drawings & doodles to make altered transparencies for your art journal.
The most important tip is: use the correct transparency film for your copier or printer. If you use the wrong film in a dry toner copier (which uses high heat to make the copy), it can melt inside the machine and ruin it.
Once you get the right sort of transparency film for your copier or printer,
you can print your artwork onto the film, and then add color with acrylic paint as below:
I painted the back of the transparency.
And flipped it over to reveal The Ink Queen in all her colorful glory.
I added the painted transparency to my art journal, gluing it in with Yes! paste, a clear, archival adhesive.
Here's one I colored with alcohol markers.
Alcohol markers allow you to blend two or more colors together, and even move the toner around (I used a dry toner, black-only copier).
I warmed up Marion by placing her over an art journal page painted with peach acrylic and white gesso.
I hope you take some time this week to play with collage, transparencies, or just to make doodles.
When you create, you make your artistic vision -- how you see the world -- visible to the rest of us.
If we each make art and share it with others, we can spark inspiration and
celebrate our unique artistic view of the world.
Happy Creating!
Copyright Betsy Bangley 2023