Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Watercolor Sketches

A sunny May day gave me the opportunity to sit on the front porch and explore the colors of spring by making watercolor sketches.  

I call these watercolor sketches because I didn't create a full painting, I started with a quick pen drawing, and added loose areas of watercolor paint.

Each different species of tree in the woodland canopy has its own shade of green or gold right now as each tree's buds open and new foliage unfurls.  By June, the hilltops will become a uniform summer green.

As I painted flowers and trees, a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird zipped in to sip sugar water from the hummingbird feeder.   I sketched quickly with my paintbrush.
Watercolor sketching lets you experiment with color mixing while you explore the subjects you find interesting.

You can quickly fill pages in a journal with your experiments.

The more you paint, the more you discover, and the more skills you build. So I hope you'll make some watercolor sketches of your own!


  1. Hi Betsy, its Tom Kerr from your Jan-Feb classes! I feel I'm doing really well since them. I have seen much improvement in my work. Today, all round beautiful day, the sun, the temp, a day off! And, I broke down and bought a prismacolor sharpener. My eyes have been opened. Hahaha. Miss your class

    1. Hi Tom, that's fantastic that you're still drawing and seeing improvement! It was a perfect day to have a day off and to go out drawing. I've been outdoors sketching myself.
