Sitting in nature sketching never fails to slow me down and relax me.
I hope you get time to sit outdoors in the sunshine with your nature journal and check nature's progress.
Copyright Betsy Bangley 2024. All rights reserved
Sitting in nature sketching never fails to slow me down and relax me.
I hope you get time to sit outdoors in the sunshine with your nature journal and check nature's progress.
Copyright Betsy Bangley 2024. All rights reserved
I've been teaching Watercolor Spring Flowers at the Community College of Beaver County, and we have had so much fun in class, that I come home inspired to paint more.
I brought in Erin O'Toole's book Create Your Own Artist's Journal to class last week to share with my students.
I was drawn to this painting in Erin's book.
After class, I painted my own version of it, enjoying using a variety of colors and splashing them in wet-in-wet.
During our last class, one of my students suggested painting bookmarks with flower designs. Here are a few that I painted the next morning while drinking tea in my studio.
Research suggests that doodling actually helps to lock memories in place. Whatever you were listening to while you created that little artwork stays with you better than if you hadn't been drawing. Here's a Harvard Health article about research into the benefits of doodling.
But that's not the power of doodles that I'm talking about today.
When you follow that sparkly idea to create something you're curious about, you build your drawing skills, but you also develop creative ideas that can grow.
Here's a sketch I made of a friend's crow photo. You can find the photo on my blog here.
That sketch became a drawing, which I transferred to a rubber block. I carved it to create a stamp.
I've enjoyed making stationary by stamping vintage office papers with this stamp.
I photocopied one of these pieces of stationary, enlarging it to 200% so I could transfer it to a recent painting. The little sketch of my friend's crow photo became the focal point of a larger painting.
Now I've ordered greeting cards from that large painting, and I can't wait to receive them in the mail. That's the power of doodling. It's a way to experiment and play, and a pathway to larger artworks.
In this blog post, I shared the story of my inner critic's fear that painting large was "dangerous."
After writing about the subject in my daily journal, and then creating in my art journal, I plunged in and made this 24" x 30" painting.
I am delighted to report that painting large is in some ways easier than painting small. It allows freedom of motion as you paint, making sweeping motions more natural.
Happy Sketching!
Copyright Betsy Bangley 2024. All rights reserved.
My birdfeeder has given me a look into the movements of the songbirds in my neighborhood. This Common Grackle showed up recently in a flock of migrating blackbirds. The group refueled on the sunflower seed feast laid out for them.
The grackle that caught my eye moved around on the ground quickly, so I found a photo online at Cornell University's All About Birds to use as a reference. Here's a link to their page about Common Grackles.
I began this journal page with the observations on the left side, then a light graphite pencil sketch of the grackle. I erased extra pencil lines, and layered in Prismacolor colored pencils on top of the graphite sketch.
If you try this approach, make sure to keep the graphite pencil sketch light so that you don't create any grooves in the paper. Grooves can prevent the soft colored pencils from getting down into the channel cut by the pencil.
Also, if you're using lighter colors, the colored pencils may pick up the gray graphite and mute your colors. I find keeping the sketch light or rolling a kneaded eraser over the graphite sketch to pick up excess graphite helps to prevent this problem.
I often find that the simplest of things can make a wonderful subject for drawing.
We've been enjoying these sweet, juicy Sumo oranges this winter. One morning at the breakfast table, I sketched this trio with a 4B pencil in my sketchbook.
What are you eating for breakfast these days? Would it be fun to sketch? What items around you catch your eye and call out to be sketched?
I hope you'll have a play with making simple sketches. It will build your drawing skills & help you observe the world around you better. I find that drawing relaxes me, slowing life down a bit and helping me be in the moment.
Happy creating!