Monday, May 20, 2024

Nature Journaling Surprises

I have a window right next to my studio worktable, where I sit and drink tea in the mornings.  

Sometimes, a wild visitor shows up unexpectedly, and I reach for my nature journal to take in the creature's beauty.  

Nature journals allow us to deepen our experience in those magical moments when an animal gets close to us.  A quick sketch -- finished later -- records the experience, and we can return years later to remember that brief moment of connection with nature.

I started with blind contour drawings -- just watching the bird and letting my pen follow on the paper.  I didn't look at the journal page while I drew, so things didn't line up quite right.  Later, looking at images online of mockingbirds helped me to finish these sketches with colored pencils.

Wishing you many happy connections with nature!

Copyright Betsy Bangley 2024.  All rights reserved.

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