Friday, May 24, 2024

Spring Nature Journal: Song Sparrows, Slugs & Foxgloves

A quiet, rainy day may not seem like a day you could make lots of observations in your nature journal, but you never know what show the earth has in store for you!
 A Song Sparrow just outside your window ...
Flowers blooming off your front porch ...
Even a slug streaming across your front stoop!

Nature puts on a show all day, every day, and your ticket to the show is simply taking the time to sit and watch.  Having a nature journal deepens your connection, and lets you take in more details than simply snapping a photo with your phone and moving on.

I hope you take the time this week to "buy a ticket" to nature's show this week and make some observations in your journal!

Happy Creating!

Copyright Betsy Bangley 2024. All rights reserved.

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