The warmer weather has brought opportunities to pump up my inflatable paddleboard and paddle around the local state park lake. I tuck my nature journal and a few art supplies into a bag, and float about, stopping to sketch when something catches my eye.
On this particular Sunday morning, a mature Bald Eagle flew over the lake just as we were departing the launch dock. We followed it to its perch high above us in a lakeside oak tree.
What a magnificent bird!
Paddling up the tributary creek, the trilling song of American Toads filled the air.
Stealing our way along the quiet backwaters, we noticed the entire bank was loaded with toads -- the males singing, and the females drawing near to listen & choose a mate.
They didn't seem bothered by the presence of us floating serenely by. I find I see a lot more wildlife when I travel quietly by water than I would while hiking. The animals aren't afraid of me, and I can get closer.
Here's the kit I take with me:
Current kit: Inktense Colored Pencils, Caran D'Ache Neocolor II crayons, Prismacolor colored pencils, sharpener, gum eraser, Pentel India ink brush pen, Faber Castell Pitt pens, Micron pens, Sakura water brush pen, & a mechanical (graphite) pencil.
I'm certain I could simplify this down quite a bit, but these are materials I love.
The only materials you really need to keep a nature journal are a journal and a pencil or pen.
Drawing a scene in black & white simplifies your drawing approach and your materials.
You can always add a splash of watercolor or colored pencil when you return home.
My top three tips for beginning nature journaling are:
1) Begin simply.
Take a few supplies to a nearby favorite natural place and make a few sketches.
2) Allow yourself time to experiment without expectations or pressure.
Requiring yourself to make something "good" or "pretty" places a burden on you and kills joy.
3) Play in your journal often!
The more you play with your art supplies in your nature journal, the more you experience, learn, feel inspired, and improve your skills
And the richer your life becomes.
I hope you take the leap into nature journaling this spring.