Sunday, October 13, 2024

Stories in an Autumn Nature Journal

The beauty of a nature journal is that you can tuck it into a bag and tote it with you on a hike or picnic.  You can make sketches that tell a story, even if you don't feel that they're great drawings.

I was sketching this leaf on a hike with my husband, enjoying sitting at a picnic table under a forest of tall oak trees, when we started to notice large acorns dropping all around us.  Each nut hit with a sharp Thwack!
Concerned that the next acorn might clock us on the noggin, we resumed our hike, backtracking to an open field we had passed.  We found a bench at the edge of the field, where we sat and I sketched and jotted down the story of our hike.
The next morning, I took hot tea outside on a cool morning and watched the sun rise over the neighbor's pasture.  I made notes of the sounds I heard and sketched a small part of the sunrise scene.

I don't consider any of these drawings to be great drawings, but I love them because each one tells the story of a moment in nature. I can return to them and remember my hike with my husband, or the bold contrasts of backlit apple trees in an October sunrise.

This stillness in nature feeds my soul, and adding color and words to the experience only deepens it.

I hope you get a chance to sketch a bit of nature this week and add the words of your own story.

Happy Creating!

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