Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Taking on my Hobgoblin in my Art Journal
Sunday, February 25, 2024
Painting a Florida Sunset

Friday, February 23, 2024
Nature Journaling: Welcome Spring!

A small flock descended from the gray sky to perch in a little mulberry tree that stands next to my birdfeeders. They brightened my day on this rainy, mizzly day.
After I had finished my admin. chores for the day, I rewarded myself with this sketch, made from a reference photo.
What's your favorite bird?
A great way to celebrate your wild friend is to find a photo in a book or online to use as a reference, and make a sketch. Then write about a memorable encounter.
Happy creating!
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
A Mixed Media Face with the Unexpected Gypsy
As one of the Patreons of the British artist Wendy Robinson, The Unexpected Gypsy, we get monthly videos showing us how Wendy creates her art step-by-step.
They're instructive and inspiring, and feel like a cozy visit with The Unexpected Gypsy herself. You can find out more about The Unexpected Gypsy's Patreon, follow this link:
I created this face by following along with Wendy's latest video. She started the process with a loose watercolor sketch.
We added in skin tones and shadows.
Deepened some of the shadows,
and layered on more skin tones.
We let our faces dry, and began adding Prismacolor colored pencils to define the features.
Having the control of a sharpened colored pencil allowed me to fix problems I had with the tip of this imaginary woman's nose.
The Prismacolors were easy to blend.
Creating rich, layered colors, like the complexities of the lips.
And when you're done, you've expressed a part of yourself. You can give your person a name, and ask them if they have any messages to share with you.
I hope you give this process a try!
Happy creating!
Copyright 2024 Betsy Bangley. All rights reserved.
Monday, February 19, 2024
Valentines Wrap-Up
I created a block print in January to use as my Valentine's Day card artwork, and printed up a stack. You can find that post here:
I set up a work station on the floor, cranked up my favorite music, and got to work.
A basket of hand-painted papers, that I created earlier, caught my eye, so I started incorporating them into the cards. You can find photos of the papers here:
Handmade greeting cards are a great way to share your art and show your love for someone. I hope you give card-making a try!
Copyright Betsy Bangley 2024. All right reserved.
Saturday, February 17, 2024
Drawing in the Museum
Those requirements make copying oil paintings particularly challenging.
We invite our intuition to lead us in figuring out how to create the textures and values we see in the paintings with our pencils.