Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Pen & Ink Sketch with Watercolors

A Trader Joe's bouquet in an old Mason jar caught the morning sunlight on my breakfast table, and called out to be sketched.

I started with a Lamy fountain pen sketch, then touched in watercolor washes and splashes to finish the scene.  Quick and uplifting.

For this project, I used a paper sample booklet I bought for a quarter at the Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse, my favorite thrift shop. You can find out more about them here: https://pccr.org/

Playing with an art supply that was saved from the trash adds a lovely sparkle to the creative experience.  When I have an excess of materials, I enjoy sharing them with other artists by donating them to the PCCR.

If you're in the Pittsburgh area, I recommend a field trip to the Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse!

Happy Thrifting and Happy Creating! 

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