The Natural History Museum of London is a British treasure, and an incredibly popular destination in August.
I had made a mental list of areas I wanted to visit, but found the crowds were so dense, I couldn't make my way down some of the old hallways.
So, I let serendipity be my guide, and sketched where I could find an eddy in the constant flow of people.
I was charmed by the old style of displaying fossils by filling the walls with cases, and picked out this Ichthyosaur to sketch in pencil.
The ink & watercolor were added later.
I don't think I would have noticed this fossil if it hadn't been for the crowds, but I enjoyed studying the structure of this extinct marine reptile and noticing where the spine had been broken in the intervening years.
Whatever we draw, we observe closely. What would you like to really see?
Why not get your pencil out and sketch it?!
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