Thursday, June 20, 2024

Strathmore 400 Series Watercolor Sketch Update

In an earlier post "Testing Another Travel Journal," I reviewed the Strathmore 400 Series Watercolor Sketch book as a potential travel journal for myself.  I didn't quite like the texture of the double page spread I first painted on (below).

I took this journal out for another hike, and discovered that only half of the pages were textured.  The double page spread that I worked on the second trial (top photo) was much smoother, and I loved the way the watercolors and inks worked on the paper.  

I wish the entire journal was as smooth as the pages above!

The textured pages still accepted watercolor & ink just fine.  It's my personal preference that makes me hesitant to adopt this sketchbook for a trip.  I'm hoping to find a sketchbook that's smooth on both sides.

Here are some photos from my most recent hike.  I hope you'll use them to create artwork from!

Happy Creating!

Copyright Betsy Bangley 2024. All rights reserved.


  1. You heard the Wood Thrush! I love the little critters you painted. That orange salamander ( I think-?-it's a salamander) - just gorgeous!

    1. Thank you, Janet! The little orange critter is an Eastern Newt, a type of salamander. The one in the photo here is in the juvenile stage and is called a Red Eft (I always liked that name!). When it matures, it will return to a pond or wetland, but for now it lives on the forest floor. That's what I love about taking a slow hike with a nature journal -- it gives you time to notice little guys like this one.
